For many of us, holidays and special occasions often lead to shopping for a new outfit and/or planning a trip. When we eventually arrive, subconsciously, we think everyone is checking us out all night. Sure, you feel good and get a few compliments on that nice new shirt you purchased at the store for the occasion. The big question, however, is what are you going to drink?
Nobody wants to be the nerd sitting at the table entering the ingredients of your drink into your smartphone app download to tell you what the blood alcohol level would total after one or two drinks.
I assure you that the 30 minutes you spent in the fitting room trying on your new shirt and getting ready for the night used up far more energy than it takes to tap in a few details on your cell phone about your alcohol intake before you get to that special event. Chances are, you never even thought about the most important part of the night—safety—staying alive and unharmed.
Posted Tuesday, July 12 2016 11:19 PM
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